Self love

Be careful what you

take in from society

and their definition of beauty

It will teach you about

loving other people’s opinion of you

it will teach you to be the girl they want

not the girl you want to be

find the boldness in loving yourself

What if…

What if what we’re missing is

knowledge of the power we have in loving ourselves?

What does loving yourself look like to you?

Please do respond


I’m never shutting down the kindness of my heart or the passion of my soul because it makes you feel uncomfortable.

Dear, you must know, we don’t grow from comfort.

In your judgement of me are the answers you seek within yourself.


Don’t be a coward, LOVE

Love always wins!!!

Let’s be honest,

People are afraid of Love

Such a simple word that’s not yet fully understood

We assimilate the words like love and soft together

Giving the idea that love makes you weak

To love, wholeheartedly is the BRAVEST thing you could do

The weak

the cowards

are those who runaway from love fearing their own emotions.

I’m not so surprised there’s more hate in this world than love

We don’t know how to love ourselves. How will we ever learn to love others?

21 going on 50

While every other 21 year old is out partying… I’m over here being a loner, watching movies.

Why so? Well because I have to wake up tomorrow at 6 in the morning to head to work. It would be nice to be able to go out but I can’t hang on 3 hours of sleep. Not even coffee or redbull will do me justice at work tomorrow.

Oh how I wish I was a little college dorm girl that didn’t have to work and worry about bills. The real world totally sucks! These young kids my age calculate the alcohol they spend money on. I calculate the money I
need for my bills. This sucks!!!